segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2012

50 things to improve your life

04 a journey with a map

Losing your way with a robotic voice barking at you "turn left" is one of modern life's greater ills. Before apps, satellites and trackers take over the world and we all get sucked into little black screens for good. Go buy a paper map and head somewhere you've never been, by car or foot. Finding your way without gps is a curiously life affirming activity that we're gradually forgetting. And getting lost when you have yourself to blame isn’t that bad either.

in Monocle by Tyler Brule and Ivan Carvalho

sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2012

Go to Boom, I must.

July 28th - August 04th
Keep posting I will.

Hoje na Carpe Diem às 18h

Concerto Acústico na Cozinha 

Carpe Diem - Rua de O Século, 79, Bairro Alto 1200-433, Lisboa, Portugal

A Joana Prata com Gonçalo Paiva no cajón, Rui Moura Esteves no baixo e Duarte Azevedo na guitarra. Serão tocados os temas do álbum que acaba de ser gravado, em tom acústico. Venham conhecer o nosso álbum!

Joana Prata . facebook

Concerto Acústico na Cozinha . facebook

sábado, 14 de julho de 2012

Flash Mob for Love

"Crie um cartaz! Abuse da imaginação e escreva, pinte ou garatuje uma declaração de amor a alguém que toque as cordas da vossa alma. Pode ser num cartão, numa folha de papel, numa placa de madeira, numa casca de melancia ou num bilhete de comboio. Usem cor. Muita cor. Ou cor nenhuma, porque ela já vive dentro de vós. A única regra é… Não há regras!

Estejam às 16H50 no Largo Camões. Juntem-se ao grupo Karma Colective, que estarão a tocar.

Às 17H00, quando a música parar de tocar, e durante 2 minutos, parem também e fiquem «congelados» no tempo e no espaço, imutáveis, enquanto mostram as vossas mensagens, as mais belas obras-primas do mundo... que vieram do mais profundo do vosso ser…

Durante esse período oiçam os vossos corações. Oiçam o coração de quem está ao vosso lado. Após os 2 minutos os Karma Colective recomeçarão a tocar."

sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2012


Hummm, red velvet cupcakes... graahlaghl

1 large egg
120 ml buttermilk
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp red food colouring (30ml)
180 ml sunflower oil
200 g self raising flour
225 g caster sugar
1 tsp heaped cocoa powder
1 pinch(es) salt
100 g cream cheese
50 g butter
200 g icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

Makes 10 cupcakes

1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
2. Mix wet ingredients. Whisk the egg in a bowl for a minute. add buttermilk, vinegar, vanilla, and sunflower oil.
3. Dump the flour, sugar, cocoa, salt and food colouring into the bowl and mix together. whisk for a few minutes until combined and smooth.
4. Spoon into cupcake cases sat in a muffin tray so they are ¾ full. bake in the oven for 25 minutes until risen and cooked - test with a knife and it should come out clean.
5. Cool the cupcakes in their cases. slice a little off of the top of the cupcakes to make it flat and keep the trimmings to one side.
6. Frosting. Beat the cream cheese and butter in a bowl until light and fluffy with the vanilla. add icing sugar and stir until combined.
7. Spread a little icing on top of the cupcake and crumble some sponge off-cuts on top to decorate.

decorate and serve

quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012

Go fly!

Cause some little Big things deserve more than one post

    It was summer, soup boiling summer, Macau Museum near the Ruins of St. Paul’s, China. My sister saw a beautiful, simple ring and she had to have it.
    She asked the security man if it was for sale. It was not. Blessed internet, she found the address of the atelier where the ring was made. Next day, with only two hours till the boat to Hong Kong and a flight to Nanjing later, she arrived at a closed door of what seemed to be an abandoned shop. Back at the museum, talk to the security again.
    “I can call and ask for the new address and you can go there tomorrow.”
    “Uhm no, I can´t! Please!”
     With the whole story explained and with my sister hopelessness, he called Smith’s Creation and was told that he could sell the ring for 380 patacas, merely 40 euros... My sister and her boyfriend emptied their pockets and she left all happy with her new ring.
     This ring had an inscription that reads “Your future depends on your dreams”, and this ring was going to be The Ring, the magic wand, the Force, the king of little things and I lost it, first of January of 2012, on one of those days of a series of unfortunate events:

1. My sister forgot her ring at my friend’s clinic;
2. My friend gave it to me;
3. I put it in my backpack on my friend’s car before the new year’s eve party;
4. My friend didn’t lock the car;
5. I didn’t check it.

     When I got home I went to the trunk to get my stuff and it was empty, I was confused and drunk and it was a commercial car so I think I got all in there just to check it! I must say the next days at our house were pretty silent.
     Then a fortunate event happened, she met a jewelry maker and she had the same idea as me, “I’m going to give my sister a ring!”, she added, “and make one for myself”. Unfortunately my birthday is earlier than hers and so she beat me at that. She made one just like the one from Macau and gave me one that reads “This too shall pass” from a story that she told me when I was not in a “little thingys” mood.
    For the ring, I’m sorry. For this, that and everything else, thank you.
    And I’m so sorry but I have to add that I lost the game several times while writing this.

 I got to get a camera...

by The Jewelry Maker, Maria Ana Ricon Peres . com

This is how we do it!

barbecue preparations