terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011
domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011
sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011
sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011
Letter and the musca - Pearl Jam - Nothingman =)*
Dear Karen,
If you're reading this, it means I actually worked up the courage to mail it, so good for me. You don't know me very well but if you get me started, I have a tendency to go on and on about how hard the writing is for me. But this, this is the hardest thing I've ever had to write. There's no easy way to say this so I'll just say it. I met someone. It was an accident, I wasn't looking for it, I wasn't on the make. It was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another. Next thing I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. Now there's this feeling in my gut she might be the one. She's completely nuts in a way that makes me smile, highly neurotic, a great deal of maintenance required. She is you, Karen. That's the good news. The bad is that I don't know how to be with you right now. And it scares the shit out of me. Because if I'm not with you right now, I have this feeling we'll get lost out there. It's a big, bad world full of twists and turns and people have a way of blinking and missing the moment, the moment that could have changed everything. I don't know what's going on with us, and I can't tell you why you should waste a leap of faith on the likes of me. But damn you smell good. Like home. And you make excellent coffee, that's got to count for something, right? Call me.
Unfaithfully yours, Hank Moody.
quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011
terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011
Tribute to Boom Festival day
Boom 2012 - 28th of July till 4th of August
"The Boom Festival’s mission is to provide a unique and unforgettable experience where all participants are at one with nature while resonating with the art that is present, celebrating with likeminded people from around the world, respecting the environment and promoting critical capacity, education and knowledge. Cultural practice not only puts us in touch with beauty and celebration, but also inspires new ways of finding solutions to the problems affecting humanity and the Earth since the beginning of the 21st century. The Boom adheres to the principle of ‘thinking outside the box’, reflecting novel ways of expressing ourselves by unifying the alternative and psychedelic culture of the world. It is a weeklong experience away from dominant culture in the Portuguese sunny unspoilt nuclear-free lands. Boom’s multidisciplinary, mind-expanding program is constantly evolving.
Fare Trade - The world is at the peak of consumption and we at Boom support both small producers and local products to avoid the dictatorship of world trade organisations. We avoid big brands and opt instead to promote fair trade cola, local drinks and bio-products that are consciously created.
No Logos - Boom is, and always will be, completely free of corporate sponsorship and is funded by ticket sales alone. We are a corporation-free-driven festival, a zone of cognitive liberty that has grown organically by word of mouth. The Boom team dedicates its efforts to creating a parallel universe where you are the most important part. Make Change Happen."
Boom Environmental Practices Awards - Leave no trace
– European Festival Award 2010 – Green’n’Clean Festival of the Year
– Greener Festival Award 2008 and 2010 (Outstanding Prize)
The Boom Environmental Program forms part of a vision that all Boomers have the opportunity to share within the Boom experience. It provides us with the intelligent tools that allow us to become active agents of change when we return to our countries of origin.
– Greener Festival Award 2008 and 2010 (Outstanding Prize)
The Boom Environmental Program forms part of a vision that all Boomers have the opportunity to share within the Boom experience. It provides us with the intelligent tools that allow us to become active agents of change when we return to our countries of origin.
The toilet with the best view i've ever been in, and yes,
there's hot water in the showers.
Boom Movie - Don't watch this if you were planning to go somewhere else =)
This is a movie about the people, the message, the legacy, the party and fun, the new world that happens every 2 years in August Full Moon.
Boom Tickets and Info
Buy Them Here - The Boom tickets are non-transferable
Facilities - Free water, free camping, free caravan park. Baby Boom for the mini-Boomers (bring your family to Boom!). Free medical assistance. Free wi-f i. Safety lockers. Boom Bus shuttle service from Lisbon and Madrid airports. 100% composting toilets. 100% showers treated with plants. Ayurveda pharmacy. Special facilities for the disabled. Grocery shop. Community kitchen, and much, much more.
Boom Festival Booklet
If you want to know more just explore the official website, there's plenty of information =)
domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011
Muscas =D
música orgulhosamente roubada do computador da minha irmã e editado por mim
na eventualidade de não conhecerem o original
sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011
More from Banksy

That was also the night I discovered that beyond the “No Entry” sign everything happens in higher definition. Adrenalin sharpens your eyesight, each little sound becomes significant, your sense of smell seems more acute, and tramps shit everywhere.
To some people breaking into property and painting it might seem a little inconsiderate, but in reality the 30 square centimetres of your brain are trespassed upon every day by teams of marketing experts. Graffiti is a perfectly proportionate response to being sold unattainable goals by a society obsessed with status and infamy. Graffiti is the sight of an unregulated free market getting the kind of art it deserves. And although some people might say it’s all a big waste of time, no one cares about their opinion if their name isn’t written in huge letters on the bridge into town."
Banksy, 2010

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011
terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011
The little things =D
My sister and Inês told it so much better, in a quiet quiet place called Dazai. And sorry, there's no translation possible =\
segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011
domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011
Good news Lisbon
The world will end in December of 2012 but before that, there are new low cost routes opening in Lisbon.
April, already on sale - Amsterdam, Asturias, Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Venice via easyJet
May - Birmingham via Bmibaby
February - Eindhoven via Transavia.
Meanwhile in Faro, as if they didn’t have enough with Ryanair.
June - Basileia via easyJet.
May - Belfast via Jet2.
March - Belfast via Bmibaby and Karlsruhe Baden Baden via Ryanair.
April, already on sale - Amsterdam, Asturias, Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Venice via easyJet
May - Birmingham via Bmibaby
February - Eindhoven via Transavia.
Meanwhile in Faro, as if they didn’t have enough with Ryanair.
June - Basileia via easyJet.
May - Belfast via Jet2.
March - Belfast via Bmibaby and Karlsruhe Baden Baden via Ryanair.
sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011
Women Are Heroes
Working without authorization and identified only by his initials, Parisian artist JR exhibits on streets all over the world. Pasting his enormous photographs of local people onto buildings in neglected neighbourhoods, he makes art with and for its subjects. The vast scale of the work is breath-taking and the aim is always social connection, through revealing, close-up, often humorous portraits of people usually identified only by their poverty. JR’s projects have taken him on long international trips, to Cambodia, Palestine, Israel, China... He has wrapped his images onto Rio’s oldest favela and moving freight trains in Kenya.
"When you go to Providência, which is one of the most dangerous favelas in Rio, there is no NGO, no institution. Drug trafficking is huge. So, there is no reason for people to go to a place like that and create an artistic project. We were able to do this project just because the community had its own interest in its success. Because we arrived without any sponsors or political objectives, people always received us with open arms. They are happy to see another approach, and not a journalistic one - an approach where they are actors. These questions are really essential. The local people are conscious of their image. Their interest is to change the image we have of the favelas, to bring attention to them for something other than the drug traffic. And me…I want to continue my project, raise questions about the place of women in society. With the project done, I leave the country and I hope a bridge has been created between these people and the media. It is the testimonials of these people, their stories and their words, that are much more compelling than anything I can say. Each place is an unexpected meeting that continues. Sometimes I see people again when I come back to follow up an action and continue a project." JR
“Women Are Heroes, Kibera 2008”
"When you go to Providência, which is one of the most dangerous favelas in Rio, there is no NGO, no institution. Drug trafficking is huge. So, there is no reason for people to go to a place like that and create an artistic project. We were able to do this project just because the community had its own interest in its success. Because we arrived without any sponsors or political objectives, people always received us with open arms. They are happy to see another approach, and not a journalistic one - an approach where they are actors. These questions are really essential. The local people are conscious of their image. Their interest is to change the image we have of the favelas, to bring attention to them for something other than the drug traffic. And me…I want to continue my project, raise questions about the place of women in society. With the project done, I leave the country and I hope a bridge has been created between these people and the media. It is the testimonials of these people, their stories and their words, that are much more compelling than anything I can say. Each place is an unexpected meeting that continues. Sometimes I see people again when I come back to follow up an action and continue a project." JR
“Morro da Providencia, Rio de Janeiro, 2009”
sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011
terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011
Muscas - La la la lá
On est parti, samedi, dans une grosse voiture, Faire tous ensemble un grand pique-nique dans la nature,
En emportant des paniers, des bouteilles, des paquets,
Et la radio !
Des cornichons
De la moutarde
Du pain, du beurre
Des p'tits oignons
Des confitures
Et des œufs durs
Des cornichons
Du corned-beef
Et des biscottes
Des macarons
Un tire-bouchons
Des petits-beurre
Et de la bière
Des cornichons
On n'avait rien oublié, c'est maman qui a tout fait
Elle avait travaillé trois jours sans s'arrêter
Pour préparer les paniers, les bouteilles, les paquets
Et la radio !
Le poulet froid
La mayonnaise
Le chocolat
Les champignons
Les ouvre-boîtes
Et les tomates
Les cornichons
Mais quand on est arrivé, on a trouvé la pluie
C'qu'on avait oublié, c'était les parapluies
On a ramené les paniers, les bouteilles, les paquets
Et la radio !
On est rentré
Manger à la maison
Le fromage et les boîtes
Les confitures et les cornichons
La moutarde et le beurre
La mayonnaise et les cornichons
Le poulet, les biscottes
Les œufs durs et puis les cornichons
domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011
As we all have facebook...
…you can also follow Daniel’s trip around the world by car, by train, by bus, by tuc tuc, by foot, by taxi, by subway, by cable car, by toboggan, by skis, by surfboard, by horse, by elephant, by hydrofoil, by tram, by boat, by bicycle, by motorbike, by rollerblades, by segway, by scooter, by truck, by ATV, by skate, by tricycle, by escalators, by freighter, by submarine, by funicular, by hovercraft, by canoe, by maglev, by bobsled, but not by those thingys that can fly, on This facebook page.
Muscas - Aww =)
My love this is the last prayer
To save your heart
The heart is not as simple as you think
In it fits whatever does not fit in a cupboard
Fits my love
Fits three whole lives
Fits one dressing table
Fits us both
Fits even my love
sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011
The Freecycle is made up of 4,993 groups with 8,801,263 members across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and thus keeping good stuff out of landfills. Membership is free, and everything posted must be FREE, legal and appropriate for all ages. To view the items being given away or sought in your city, you must be a member of the local group. To view the local group posts, visit the local Yahoo Group where they are located.
To find a group near you just need go, after signing up, to "My Groups" on the official website and type your city or country. Chose a group and follow instruction.
sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011
Back to the past
"And now we'll offer as many 35mm film you want!" Yes? No? Really, oh c'mon... Pretty please?
"And now we'll offer as many 35mm film you want!" Yes? No? Really, oh c'mon... Pretty please?
quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011
White noise as a sleeping aid
"Your ears normally pick up sounds which the brain translates to something understandable. In your sleep, if you can hear something that your brain can comprehend, for instance the sound of a conversation, then your brain automatically functions- thus keeping you awake. The idea of a white noise is to produce a type of noise that is unintelligible in order to cover for the rest of the sounds that you might hear." Here.
terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011
Mensagens (Atom)